Jenna Littlejohn: Devoted to preserving San Francisco’s vibe

We are thrilled to be feature in Jenna Littlejohn’s article written by none other than Denise Sullivan. Check out the article below.

Jenna Littlejohn no longer lives in The City, though she spends most of her time working to preserve culture and serving folks in need on this side of the Bay.

“Obviously Oakland has its extreme poverty and disparity issues but in San Francisco it’s so much more intense,” she said. “It’s stark and so drastic: The Teslas and $15 sandwiches. Living here, every day becomes an extreme circumstance.”

Working as a grant writer for Third Parent, a grassroots nonprofit that serves San Franciscans whose essential needs fall into the gaps, Littlejohn went beyond the page and into the streets during the pandemic when calls for food distribution started to blow up.

Check out the full article here.


It takes a village